Climate and useful information

What to bring

Depending on the time of year, whether it is the rainy season (cooler and greener) or the dry season (hotter and drier), guests should dress accordingly, both for protection from the elements and for comfort.

The most important items we would recommend our guests bring are:

Climate and weather

Costa Rica is a tropical country and has two main seasons:

There are some minor exceptions where some places are slightly wetter and others more dry depending on location and altitude.

San Jose at its higher elevation and inland location can even be cool at nights requiring a light jacket, while at LagunaVista, on the south-west Pacific coast, it is always warm but can be humid and a little cooler in the wet season. In both seasons, we experience pleasant breezes coming off the Pacific Ocean which travel across the lagoon and up over the lodge, providing a refreshing and welcome respite from the tropical sun.

Typical tropical wet weather will usually see bright clear mornings, developing into showers in the afternoons, then clearing as evening approaches.

Generally, the best time of year to visit is December and January when everything is still green from the wet months and the days are clear and fine.

The spectacular scenery and abundant wildlife on display in Corcovado National Park attract visitors from all over the world to this unspoiled tropical paradise. Carate beach, Pejeperrito Lagoon and Corcovado National Park are all easily accessible from LagunaVista.

LagunaVista's villas, solar powered and eco-friendly, provide comfortable surroundings, plunge pools, and superior accommodation. From your villa deck, the rainforest, lagoon, coconut palms, beach, ocean and sky create endless layers of beauty.

Kayak across our fresh water lagoon to a coconut tree beach. Watch marine, aquatic and rainforest wildlife on daily display. Whales and dolphins, turtles and toucans, caimans, spoonbills, monkeys and macaws... all can be seen at LagunaVista.

Relax beside our infinity pool, the perfect ending to your day's adventures whether kayaking or surfing, hiking the Corcovado trails, rivers and waterfalls, bird watching, fishing, beach combing or horse riding. Or merely laze in your hammock watching pelicans surf the endless horizon.

Welcome. You have arrived at LagunaVista.

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